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Junior artworks to follow

Webpage under construction November 2021

24 Junior Painting.jpg

20. Radish from observation in The Monk's Garden
by a junior pupil of St. Edan's National School,

Ferns, County Wexford, 2021


1. Pebble painting utilising the golden section
by a senior pupil of St. Edan's National School,

Ferns, County Wexford, 2021

The Monk's Garden Exhibition

This online exhibition celebrates the artworks created by pupils of St. Edan's National School, Ferns, during The Monk's Garden visual art, heritage and gardening project facilitated by David Begley as part of his Ancient Connections Artist Residency in Ferns, County Wexford.

The emphasis of the visual art aspect of this project has been to engage children in process led learning. Workshops were carried out with two groups: Juniors 5 - 8 years and Seniors 8 - 12 years. All pupils (34) at St. Edan’s National School participated. 


This exhibition presents artworks created by the children (one per child) during the project. In addition to learning drawing and painting skills, Senior children also discovered how to utilise the ‘golden section’ in a painting composition, they erected and wove a bean obelisk with hazel and willow poles, they learned about medieval illuminated manuscripts and created their own bestiary pages inspired by hedgerow and farm animals. Through weekly presentations and discussions they explored the heritage of Ferns and its farming practices. Children were encouraged to speak about their work and share their artistic discoveries.


To see images from the project and read David Begley’s account of The Monk’s Garden project, click here.

From March - June 2021, David Begley facilitated The Monk's Garden, a visual art, heritage and gardening project at St. Edan's National School. David and the children grew fruit, vegetables, herbs and flowers and used these as source for drawing and painting. Inspired by the medieval monk, St. Aidan of Ferns, many of the plants chosen for the garden would have grown in medieval monastic gardens.

The garden prompted lessons on soil, erosion, germination, companion planting, the importance of water, wildlife habitats, uses of sheep's wool, composting, archaeological excavation, monastic life, St. Aidan, The Normans, and creativity. 


The children wove a wattle fence, made oak gall ink, drew with reed pens and turkey feather quills, gathered water from the River Bann to feed the garden, and learned how to bake and draw with homemade charcoal in order to draw a portrait of the school secretary. As the project developed they came to know the names and uses of plants. 

Senior painting-3.jpg

2. Pebble painting utilising the golden section
by a senior pupil of St. Edan's National School,

Ferns, County Wexford, 2021


3. Pebble painting utilising the golden section
by a senior pupil of St. Edan's National School,

Ferns, County Wexford, 2021


4. Pebble painting utilising the golden section
by a senior pupil of St. Edan's National School,

Ferns, County Wexford, 2021


5 Pebble painting utilising the golden section
by a senior pupil of St. Edan's National School,

Ferns, County Wexford, 2021


6. Pebbles imagined as meteorites
by a senior pupil of St. Edan's National School,

Ferns, County Wexford, 2021


7. Goldfinch (bestiary painting)
by a senior pupil of St. Edan's National School,

Ferns, County Wexford, 2021


8. Mouse (bestiary painting)
by a senior pupil of St. Edan's National School,

Ferns, County Wexford, 2021

Senior sunflower.jpg

9. Sunflower (bestiary painting)
by a senior pupil of St. Edan's National School,

Ferns, County Wexford, 2021


10. Fox (bestiary painting)
by a senior pupil of St. Edan's National School,

Ferns, County Wexford, 2021


11. Badger (bestiary painting)
by a senior pupil of St. Edan's National School,

Ferns, County Wexford, 2021


13. Fox (bestiary painting)
by a senior pupil of St. Edan's National School,

Ferns, County Wexford, 2021


14. Calendula drawn with oak gall ink and turkey feather quill
by a senior pupil of St. Edan's National School,

Ferns, County Wexford, 2021

Senior-charcoal- portrait 1.jpg

15. Portrait of the school secretary, charcoal on paper
by a senior pupil of St. Edan's National School,

Ferns, County Wexford, 2021


16. Portrait of the secretary, charcoal on paper
by a senior pupil of St. Edan's National School,

Ferns, County Wexford, 2021

Colin portrait.jpg

17. Portrait of the secretary, charcoal on paper
by a senior pupil of St. Edan's National School,

Ferns, County Wexford, 2021


18. Portrait of the secretary, charcoal on paper
by a senior pupil of St. Edan's National School,

Ferns, County Wexford, 2021

As well as creating these artworks, the Seniors built a bean obelisk, participated in an excavation, made bird nests, painted signs, drew outdoors with quills and canes, sowed, planted and harvested vegetables, wove a wattle fence,  made ink, gathered water from the River Bann and built and installed a gate!

DB-Bean-obelisk 2.jpg
DB clay nest.jpg
spring onion sign.jpg
Senior quill.jpg
tree drawings_edited.jpg
Begley planting strawberries.jpg
Begley wool and fence.jpeg
Begley fence making.jpg
oak gall grind.jpg
water procession 1.jpg

Junior Artworks

The Junior room pupils aged 5 - 8 years – Junior infants to second class.

week 11-painting.jpg

19. Strawberries from observation in The Monk's Garden
by a junior pupil of St. Edan's National School,

Ferns, County Wexford, 2021

20 Junior Painting.jpg

20. Radish from observation in The Monk's Garden
by a junior pupil of St. Edan's National School,

Ferns, County Wexford, 2021

21 Junior Painting .jpg

21. Colour ink swatch 
by a junior pupil of St. Edan's National School,

Ferns, County Wexford, 2021

22 Junior Painting.jpg

22. Pumpkin seedling from observation
by a junior pupil of St. Edan's National School,

Ferns, County Wexford, 2021

23 Junior Painting.jpg

23. Garden painting 
by a junior pupil of St. Edan's National School,

Ferns, County Wexford, 2021

24. Rhubarb leaf painting 
by a junior pupil of St. Edan's National School,

Ferns, County Wexford, 2021

25 Junior Painting.png

25. Seedling from observation in The Monk's Garden
by a junior pupil of St. Edan's National School,

Ferns, County Wexford, 2021

Junior pot.png

26. Potted seedling from observation
by a junior pupil of St. Edan's National School,

Ferns, County Wexford, 2021

27 Spring-onion-painting.png

27. Spring onion from observation 
by a junior pupil of St. Edan's National School,

Ferns, County Wexford, 2021

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28. Plant from observation 
by a junior pupil of St. Edan's National School,

Ferns, County Wexford, 2021

29-Junior charcoal.jpg

29. Imagined landscape in charcoal 
by a junior pupil of St. Edan's National School,

Ferns, County Wexford, 2021

Charcoal seed potato.jpg

30. Seed potato from observation
by a junior pupil of St. Edan's National School,

Ferns, County Wexford, 2021

30. Seed potato in charcoal 
by a junior pupil of St. Edan's National School,

Ferns, County Wexford, 2021


31. Inkblot
by a junior pupil of St. Edan's National School,

Ferns, County Wexford, 2021

Junior inkblot heart web.png

32. Heart, inkblot
by a junior pupil of St. Edan's National School,

Ferns, County Wexford, 2021

33-Junior inkblot.jpg

33. Inkblot
by a junior pupil of St. Edan's National School,

Ferns, County Wexford, 2021

34 Junior inkblot.jpg

34. Inkblot
by a junior pupil of St. Edan's National School,

Ferns, County Wexford, 2021

Junior Activities

As well as creating these artworks, the Juniors sowed seeds, planted seedlings, watered the garden, mixed a super spud soil, laid seashell borders, made bird nests, learned how to make compost, protected the Monk's Garden from erosion using sheep's wool, drew and painted outdoors, harvested herbs and vegetables and gathered water from the River Bann!

DBegley Monk's Garden sml.jpg
DBegley-onion sets.jpg
radish seed.JPG
7-ink week 7.jpg
7-wool marker week 7.jpg
river bann water.jpeg
radish mix 2.jpg
DB-child and oak galls.jpg
DBegley River Bann.jpg

With thanks to the staff, parents and children of St. Edan's National School, Ferns, County Wexford. Special thanks to caretaker Anthony Earle for his assistance throughout this project and to Imogen Stafford and Hanneke van Ryswyk for their horticultural help and advice.


To see further images and read about this project see David's account here


Photography and design by David Begley.


The Monk's Garden is part of David Begley's Ancient Connections Artist Residency in Ferns, County Wexford, commissioned by Wexford County Council. 

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